Get Your Workload Under Control

Get Your Workload Under Control And Enjoy More of Your Life!

Here’s a formula to help you take control of your workload with a quick win, so you can get back on track and enjoy more life. This is especially helpful if you've been feeling overwhelmed.

control workload

You know those days when you feel buried in work, with no end in sight?  We've all been there.  

When you realize you're not prioritizing well, getting caught up in urgent but not necessarily important tasks, and you feel out of control or totally overwhelmed, that's when you really need a quick win!

Next time you’re having that kind of day (or week), here’s a formula to help you take control:
  1. Stop and breathe.  Give yourself permission to take a 5-minute "reset" which will allow you to move forward more effectively.  Step away from your desk (or close your eyes), and focus on breathing deeply which will send more oxygen to your brain, calm your body's stress response, and allow you to regain the ability to focus on what matters.  (Note:  Shallow breathing increases anxiety, making critical and creative thinking harder, and adding to feelings of being out of control.) 
  2. Consider the tasks on your immediate to-list.  Quickly sort each task, identifying which of your work or life goals it supports.  Then, explore if it can wait for another time, if someone else can do it, or what happens if it doesn’t get done at all.  If it's still on your list, give it a reasonable completion date.
  3. Select which task truly needs to be addressed first, and why.  This is a great time for a quick review of your 90-day focus areas, annual goals, or longer-term priorities so they aren't "out of sight, out of mind."
  4. Decide on a quick action you can take, and follow through NOW.  Keep in mind that revisiting decisions wastes time and energy, so stick with it and enjoy the momentum you're creating by taking action!
  5. Repeat as needed.  This whole process takes most people around 20 minutes.  Which can feel like too much when you're freaked out about getting things done, but I promise it will save you from wasting your precious time working on the wrong things. WELL WORTH IT!

Next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, here’s a formula to help you take back control with a quick win!

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Don’t let Overwhelm Steal Your Quality of Life

This post contains an excerpt from the Productivity section of Lead With Moxie, based on interviews of over 100 leaders on what it takes to be successful in business.  Get your copy today!

How will you apply this?  Let me know in the comments!

Will you commit to trying it this week, or share with someone else who needs it?

Here's to your success,

Heather Legge
January 27, 2021