Live Authentically

The Live Authentically Podcast by Pamela Savino: Finding the Pros to Perfectionism with Heather Legge

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I had the pleasure to connect with Pamela Savino, author of Soar and to be interviewed in the Summer of that crazy year 2020! ~Heather

Show description:

How many times have you gotten in your own way obsessing over every last detail causing a two hour project to turn into a six hour one? Perfectionism has been a silent killer of productivity for years. It’s only been within the last 5 years that Heather Legge, successful business owner of Envision Success Inc. and a published author of multiple books, started digging deeper into who she was, what her driving force was to achieving success, and how her authentic self could change the world if she could finally get out of her own way.

What does it mean to you to live authentically? To Heather, “being true to our essence without asking and seeking permission. It’s a combination of knowing who you are and giving ourselves permission to not hold back and to just go for it.” As a young girl, Heather was always very outgoing and expressive, but struggled with insecurities as she matured as a young woman and working professional. Her constant perfectionism had become her biggest pitfall. It was in these moments that Heather knew something had to change.

Heather began seeking help and mentorship from other women outside of her immediate circle. She sought out women that had dealt with, or were educated in, overcoming similar challenges she experienced which also allowed her to be vulnerable to the woman that would ultimately become the groundwork for her success over the years.

Today, Heather has used her experiences and mentorships to develop a successful coaching business that helps high performing women leaders and business owners to use their perfectionism as fuel necessary for their mission within the Universe.

If you’re struggling with perfectionism, or if you’re a recovering perfectionist, join us on Tuesday as Pam Savino interviews Heather Legge to discuss perfectionism and how they’ve managed through its pros and cons within their journeys.

June 25, 2020